S.No Candidate Name Job Category Job Role Work Experience ESSCI Certified View Resume Download
66941 Asran Sadulla Patel Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66942 Sayali Satish Kamble Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66943 Tejashwini Chandrakant Pawar Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66944 Sangeeta Vemkatesh Sutar Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66945 Swati . Khandagale Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66946 Urmila . Sarvade Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66947 Maheshwari . Yera Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66948 Geeta . Lodrashi Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66949 Padma . Gavate Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66950 Kiran . Poojari Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66951 Sagar . Singh Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66952 Shrddha . Dhuri Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66953 Seema . Jadhav Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66954 Nilesh . Jadhav Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66955 Amit . Tayde Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66956 Trupti . Sakpal Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66957 Anjali . Patil Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66958 Sunita . Kambale Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66959 Sangeeta . Shinde Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes
66960 Pratik . Joshi Consumer Electronics & IT Hardware Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals Fresher Yes